Principal’s Welcome
Thank you for taking the time to discover more about our wonderful school.
Lavalla Catholic College has provided Catholic education in the Marist tradition to the Latrobe Valley community for more than 60 years. The College is in the formation business; holistically forming young people who are open to a rich journey of faith and who are stewards of our people, place, time, and traditions. Lavalla graduates are adaptable, resilient, life-long learners and responsible citizens, eager to make positive and meaningful contributions to our society. Our students are respectful and nurture caring, inclusive relationships in the example of Jesus Christ and are young people of compassion, integrity, dignity, and hope.
At Lavalla, we strive to educate all students to their full academic potential. Students are empowered with the tools that they need to succeed and we provide extensive subject offerings across all secondary year levels. We focus on individual pathways and design programs of learning that motivate and inspire our young people to achieve their personal best. Our large range of curriculum offerings allows us the flexibility to extend students and also to provide specialised learning support as it might be required. Importantly, we support students with career counselling, with pastoral care, and through wellbeing programs and on-site access to personal counselling, which of course supports adolescent mental and emotional health.
As a Marist school, family spirit permeates all that we do and we welcome and encourage parents to be active partners in their child’s learning journey as we work together to set our young people up for success in life, no matter the learning pathway they choose to follow.
As a family, decisions surrounding your child’s education are the most important decisions that you will make. We welcome and encourage all families who share our vision to journey with us, so that together, in genuine partnership, we create well-rounded and successful young people with strong minds and compassionate hearts.
Ryan Greer

If you are interested in discovering more about our school, please contact our College Registrar.